Our Expertise
We will evaluate and help you optimize your business processes in any of the areas below.
The evaluations and implementation plans are customized for your company's specific needs.
Tax Consulting
Taxes are a necessary, although often painful, part of life.
We specialize in empowering self-employed individuals to take charge of their taxes and understand the most important aspects. We make the IRS rules less confusing so that individuals can make decisions confidently.
Financial Consulting
No organization can function properly if they don't understand where and how their resources are being used.
We analyze your current financial situation and offer insights on how to more efficiently utilize your company's resources and reduce costs.
Data Analysis
Everywhere you turn, there is more information--about your industry, about your customers, about your service or product. It can be overwhelming to understand what it all means.
Let us help you organize it, analyze it and then make strategic decisions based on the information.
Data Dissemination
Not everyone can look at numbers or metrics and understand their meaning.
We create visuals, narratives, and presentations that bring the numbers to life for anyone to understand. We can provide you with the end result or present the end result to your target audience.
Survey Design
Ever wonder what is going on in your customers' heads? Many of your customers would be willing to share their thoughts if you simply ask the right questions.
We design surveys that prompt meaningful responses from your customers and help you derive meaning from their responses.
Strategic Planning
Are you struggling with what your next step should be? Is visualizing the future difficult for you?
Let us guide you through a formal strategic planning process to develop goals and tactics to help you become sustainable for many years to come.